Thursday, April 17, 2008

Would You Like Some Barbecue Sauce With That Crow?

Okay, I hate it when I have to eat my words. But in this case, it's worth it.

I recently wrote a rant about my "dark night of the blogger's soul" (to use my friend Jason's words) and said the following:

I've been thinking about getting a pet rat ... But I don't want this blog to become a daily recitation of what my pet rat did and how funny it was when he fell off the chair, and how cute he is when he stands on his hind legs and sniffs the air. It's fun to hear about my nieces and nephews in those ways, because they're people I love and care about. But no one wants to hear about a rat. Not even me.

But I've had a change of heart. Here's what did it:

I found my little ratties! I found them on Craigslist today and they're already reserved for me. Furthermore, I'll be getting weekly photo updates so I can see how they're growing.

Here's what the breeder said about them:

They were born on April 8th. Right now they look like they're going to be agouti (which is dark brown mixed with black and silver hairs). Both boys are almost identical, except one is slightly bigger. They might change appearance as they grow older. They're both very pretty and healthy-looking. I'm positive they are going to have very friendly personalities. Their mother is an exceptionally friendly and easygoing rat. The boys will make excellent companions.

And here's the interesting thing: I'm surprised by HOW excited I am about getting them. I knew I wanted a rat, and thought it would be fun, but I'm actually sort of embarrassed by how giggly and goofy I get when I think about them. I kept looking at the pictures all afternoon. Here are the other ones:

They're ready for their closeup, Mr. DeMille.

Happiness is a warm butt in your face.
(Which ones are mine? Obviously the most studly ones.)

I haven't named them yet, because I don't want to jinx the whole thing. They're not really mine yet, so I have to consider them still sort of "in the womb," so to speak. But I'm thinking of names now, and welcome suggestions.

So, I'm telling you right now, I have to face up to the fact that this blog just might have an occasional—or even frequent—"it was so cute when..." entry.

And as of this afternoon, I'm completely okay with that.


Heidi said...

They're so cute! I'll have to start thinking of names.

Anonymous said...

All together now: awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

I didn't think you'd be picking them before they even got their eyes open. When do you get to bring them home?

Erin said...

I meant to include that information, but I forgot! I get to pick them up on Mother's Day weekend.

Appropriate, huh? :)