Monday, April 28, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

I'm in a really good mood today. It's surprising to me, because it's a Monday and I stayed up late last night, and I'm so sleepy and I have a headache that isn't really going away.

I think it's the weather. I've suspected for a while that I'm greatly affected by the weather, and today is such a beautiful day and it's warm and bright, and suddenly everything feels possible and positive and manageable. I'm looking forward to plans this weekend and even IM'd a friend to make additional plans to get together for brunch and a movie on Sunday.

So yeah. Seasonal affective disorder, anyone?

Heather came over on Saturday and helped me organize my front room. We made a lot of progress, and she's going to come over the next few Saturdays to work with me on the other rooms of my house. I've let things pile up and physical clutter makes me feel cluttered mentally, too. And I'm ready for a change.

I'm even starting to think about an exercise plan, now that the sunnier days will leave me a little more room in my head for other things.

And I want to start writing my novel again, and get my bike fixed and ride around town, and learn how to refinish wood furniture and work on my kitchen table, and make healthy meals every night at home, and ...

I know, I know.

But honestly, it's just nice to feel like doing anything again.

The failure wasn't in their choice of neckwear, but in the tread burn it eventually gave them.


Ilya said...

I always feel better and enthusiastic about things when I start tasting spring in the air... Alas, where I live, spring quickly morphs into autumn and stays that way forever... So I learned to keep my emotions in check in springtime :)

Heidi said...

Ah, the amazing power of spring! I love it--it's an absolute renewal of all things good and possible. Even though I rarely follow through on all my spring fantasy planning (let's completely redecorate the living room!), I love the way it feels to think of all the good and wonderful things I could do and become.