Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lack o' daisy cull.

1) This kind of movie makes me mad: the kind where the back of someone's head gets blown off with no warning to the viewer at all. I mean, usually you can see it coming from a mile away and you can sort of brace yourself for it, but when it happens like all la la la la la—BLAMMO!!!!! it's annoying. Pulp Fiction was like that for me, and I just saw Burn After Reading and yeah, it was like that too.

2) We use MCOWs at work. Pronounced EM-cow, an MCOW is what the NY office calls a Magical Collection of Words. We have MCOWs for specific products and services, and we have to use the same wording in everything we create for that product or service. It's magical. And they're words.

3) I love Thursdays. Have a great day.

They had no need for luggage. Blanche always carried a week's supply of clothes and food in her hair.